Pricing plans

Every feature you need now and as you scale.

Every feature you need now and as you scale.

Discover unlimited creative possibilities



Save 20%


Best Value

Perfect for Local Development, Multi Device and Remote Team.


HTTP/s, TCP, UDP, SSH Tunnel

No Tunnel timeout

3 Device Activation

Custom Subdomain

Reserve Subdomain

S3-compatible server

Read Only File server

Custom .local domain

Unlimited .local tunnel

Request Log Streaming

Request inspection & replay

JSON to Language Scheme

JSON Prettifier & Path Finder

AI Assistant with Session RAG

Desktop, Web, *CLI and REST API

Basic Auth, Token Auth, IP Whitelist

Request and Response Header Modification


Dedicated server, data privacy & security, premium support.

Contact us

Everything in Premium

Dedicated Cloud Server

Self Hosted Option

Unlimited Active Tunnel

Unlimited Custom Domain

Bring Your Own RootCA

Custom Interstitial Page



Save 20%


Best Value

Perfect for Local Development, Multi Device and Remote Team.


HTTP/s, TCP, UDP, SSH Tunnel

No Tunnel timeout

3 Device Activation

Custom Subdomain

Reserve Subdomain

S3-compatible server

Read Only File server

Custom .local domain

Unlimited .local tunnel

Request Log Streaming

Request inspection & replay

JSON to Language Scheme

JSON Prettifier & Path Finder

AI Assistant with Session RAG

Desktop, Web, *CLI and REST API

Basic Auth, Token Auth, IP Whitelist

Request and Response Header Modification


Dedicated server, data privacy & security, premium support.

Contact us

Everything in Premium

Dedicated Cloud Server

Self Hosted Option

Unlimited Active Tunnel

Unlimited Custom Domain

Bring Your Own RootCA

Custom Interstitial Page



Save 20%


Best Value

Perfect for Local Development, Multi Device and Remote Team.


HTTP/s, TCP, UDP, SSH Tunnel

No Tunnel timeout

3 Device Activation

Custom Subdomain

Reserve Subdomain

S3-compatible server

Read Only File server

Custom .local domain

Unlimited .local tunnel

Request Log Streaming

Request inspection & replay

JSON to Language Scheme

JSON Prettifier & Path Finder

AI Assistant with Session RAG

Desktop, Web, *CLI and REST API

Basic Auth, Token Auth, IP Whitelist

Request and Response Header Modification


Dedicated server, data privacy & security, premium support.

Contact us

Everything in Premium

Dedicated Cloud Server

Self Hosted Option

Unlimited Active Tunnel

Unlimited Custom Domain

Bring Your Own RootCA

Custom Interstitial Page


Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is aim to be ngrok-compatible tunneling software, where you can expose any service running on your localhost or private server to be accessible from anywhere with internet, you can also protect your service using Basic Auth, OAuth, or simple token header. aim to be ngrok-compatible tunneling software, where you can expose any service running on your localhost or private server to be accessible from anywhere with internet, you can also protect your service using Basic Auth, OAuth, or simple token header.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we have a 7-day money-back guarantee. Send us an email at

Yes, we have a 7-day money-back guarantee. Send us an email at

Do you offer a trial?

Unfortuantely not. Our free plan is very generous and you can get a very good feel of the product just by using that. If you want, just buy a premium plan without worring since we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.

Unfortuantely not. Our free plan is very generous and you can get a very good feel of the product just by using that. If you want, just buy a premium plan without worring since we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.

What payment options do you have?

Our payments are processed by Xendit. They support cards (including Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, American Express, Discover), and others.

Our payments are processed by Xendit. They support cards (including Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, American Express, Discover), and others.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

Don't worry, Lokal will continue to work on the free plan.

Don't worry, Lokal will continue to work on the free plan.

What kind of support do I get for the Pro plan?

With our standard plans, support is facilitated through our Discord community. However, with our pro plan, you can expect assistance directly from our team.

With our standard plans, support is facilitated through our Discord community. However, with our pro plan, you can expect assistance directly from our team.

Start Building with

Lokal leverage Cloudflare Edge's Network to protect your endpoint and speed up your service from anywhere in the world.

Start Building with

Lokal leverage Cloudflare Edge's Network to protect your endpoint and speed up your service from anywhere in the world.

Start Building with

Lokal leverage Cloudflare Edge's Network to protect your endpoint and speed up your service from anywhere in the world.

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No Spam. Just Product updates.


No Spam. Just Product updates.